Raw Vegan Gourmet Cuisine
Inspired by the Great Italian Culinary Tradition
and Suitable for the Whole Family
Who I am
My name is Patrizia, and I am a Chef specializing in raw plant-based cuisine and pastry. Recently, I have also become a mother to Noah, and with his arrival, I have experienced firsthand how suitable raw vegan cuisine is for the whole family. Raw vegan cuisine is astonishing, a feast for the eyes, vibrant with life and sensuality. Through my cooking, I strive to create and offer healthy and delicious food for our well-being and for the health of our planet.
I teach by conducting courses for everyone, whether beginners or professionals, tailored to your needs. I offer consultations to professionals in the industry who want to update their menus. I also write, collaborating with the magazine “Cucina Naturale,” and I cook for your events.
What I do
Raw Food
We are what we eat.
Raw food philosophy stems from this concept, as cooking depletes the nutrients and enzymes in food that are lost at temperatures above 42°C, in raw food cuisine, pans, stoves, and ovens are not used. Instead, techniques are employed to preserve the properties of the ingredients, which are always whole, organic, and plant-based.
A raw vegan diet is naturally gluten-free, lactose-free, and does not involve the use of eggs or refined sugars.
Even if we don’t fully embrace raw foodism, incorporating more raw foods into our diet can bring us numerous benefits.
However, if you think that raw foodism only consists of salads, fruit salads, and crudités, try a well-prepared raw dessert and you will change your mind. Raw food cuisine, especially its outstanding pastry, is vibrant, colorful, and surprisingly delicious. In fact, I’ll tell you more: raw food is SEXY!
